
In-situ SIMS analysers for real-time etch monitoring at the nanoscale

  • Hiden SIMS plasma and ion beam etch analysers provide a window on the entire etch process
  • End point control to within +/- 5 Angstroms
  • Integrated ‘production ready’ end point control is available

Visit Product Page : IMP-EPD





High performance probe for mass and energy analysis for ions, radicals and neutrals from plasma

  • +ve and –ve ion analysis
  • Mass resolved ion energy analysis
  • Neutrals and neutral radical analysis
  • Energy resolved mass analysis
  • Mass range options to 1000 amu
  • Energy range options to 1000 eV

Visit Product Page : EQP




Advanced Langmuir probe for plasma diagnostics

  • Floating Potential, Vf
  • Plasma Potential, Vp
  • Electron Energy Distribution Function, EEDF
  • Debye length, λD
  • Ion Flux, Γi
  • Ion density, ni, and electron density, ne, over the range 1014-1019 m-3
  • Electron Temperature, Te, up to 10 eV
  • Orbital Motion Limited (OML) and Allen Boyd Reynolds (ABR)

Visit Product Page : ESPion




Vacuum process gas analysis / Residual gas analysis

  • Pump-down Profiles
  • Vacuum Diagnostics
  • Base Pressure
  • Residuals
  • Backfill
  • Bakeout
  • Leak Checking

Visit Product Page : HPR-30



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