
New Customer Research Review:

Mass Spectrometers for Plasma Characterisation [issue 1120/11]

Hiden are pleased to announce the release of the new Customer Research Review. This issue focuses on Mass Spectrometers for Plasma Characterisation and features the Hiden EQP, ESPion and HPR-60 MBMS.



EQP Plasma Sampling Mass Spectrometer

ESPion for Measurement of Plasma Properties

HPR-60 MBMS Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometer


Nanoparticle decoration of carbon nanotubes by sputtering.
Project Summary by: Christopher Muratore, University of Dayton, USA  Read more


CFx films synthesized by HIPIMS sputtering of carbon
Project Summary by: Dr. Susann Schmidt, Linköping University, Sweden  Read more


Investigation of Solar Energy Materials
Project Summary by: D. M. Meysing, Colorado School of Mines, USA  Read more


CH2F+ and CHF2 ion density measurements in argon or krypton-diluted CH2F2 plasmas

Project Summary by: Yusuke Kondo, Kenji Ishikawa, Toshiya Hayashi, and Masaru Hori, Nagoya University, Japan  Read more


Time resolved Langmuir probe diagnostics for ECR plasma research
Project Summary by: O.D. Cortázar, ESS Bilbao Consortium, Spain  Read more


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