
On Friday 18th July 2014 Hiden Isochema hosted a summer school. As part of the day, Hiden Analytical organised a tour & demonstrations of the UK HQ.

Colin Robertson & Luke Wells introduced the company and what we do, manufacture quadrupole mass spectrometers.


Dave Seymour then introduced and demonstrated the HPR-20 QIC R&D laboratory gas analyser for continuous analysis of gases and vapours at pressures near atmosphere. It operates at 200oC, the QIC flexible 2m capillary inlet provides fast response times of less than 300ms. Find out more : click here


Following on from Dave Seymour, Steven Fiddy discussed the HPR-40 DSA Membrane Inlet Mass Spectrometer designed for analysis of gases, vapours and VOCs in liquids. An interesting example of one application (Oceanic Studies) of the HPR-40 is the detection and analysis of low level concentrations of DMS in British Columbian water (a trace substance implicated in global climate change & regulation). The HPR-40 was located on the ship itself to retrieve real time data. The HPR-40 configured with a triple filter QMS provides detection levels into the ppt range. Find out more : click here


Finally, the tour groups were taken to the SIMS Workstation where Graham Cooke discussed its features and applications. The SIMS Workstation is a UHV surface analysis system for thin film depth profiling. Find out more : click here


We hope the attendees found the tour and demonstrations interesting. To find out more information about any of the above mentioned products, or any other products in our range, please send us a message

Visit the Hiden Isochema website to find out more about the Summer School | Click here