
From 22 – 23 May our Agents in Singapore, Accord, attended and exhibited at the Southeast Asia Catalysis Conference (SACC 2017) on behalf of Hiden Analytical. There were discussions regarding the advances and challenges in the fields of homogeneous, heterogeneous, bio, photo and computational catalysis.

Invited speakers were top catalysis experts including Shell Professor Lynn GLADDEN (University of Cambridge), Dr Gary CASTY (ExxonMobil Research & Engineering), Prof Michael CLAEYS (Catalysis Institute & DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Catalysis – University of Cape Town, South Africa), Prof Erik HEERES (University of Groningen, Netherlands) and many others from Southeast Asia countries.

Southeast Asia Catalysis Conference

The Hiden Analytical Stand at Southeast Asia Catalysis Conference (SACC 2017) on 22 – 23 May