

The AVS international symposium and exhibition hosted the prestigious Science and Technology exposition for the 65th time on the 21st-26th October at the Long Beach Convention Centre, Long Beach, California. Each year the consortium has provided scientist and engineers, around the United States and globe, an effective platform to discuss and share their insights, focusing on the day to day topics and issues associated materials, processing, and interfaces in the research and manufacturing communities.


The AVS group originally formed back in 1953, with the sole intentions of operating as an opportunity for fellow professionals, or even individual with interest in the sciences, to discuss and converse the current issues that occur regarding high vacuum technology as well as the applications involved with the devices. Six days after the initial meeting, the 6 original founding members of the collection were successful in their cause, with the first ever AVS attracting nearly 300 registrants from across the globe.  Fast forward a few years later to the 80’s and AVS, now a recognized international Science exhibition, are attracting hundreds of companies worldwide to collaborate; one of those companies being the recently established Hiden.  AVS and ourselves have a long standing and respected relationship, as we have attended every national AVS meeting since the earliest days of the plasma science and technology group in the mid 1980’s. It was actually at this renowned event in which we first delivered our first residual gas analyser QMS powered with a Motorola 6809 processer, standing as a very important milestone in our history. Since the introduction of our first Residual Gas Analyses we have continuously looked to improve and develop our product range and we will exhibit our extensive product range including: RGA – Residual Gas Analysers, SIMS- secondary ion mass spectrometers- surface analysis/surface science systems, EQP – plasma ion analysers and HPR – real time gas analysers all based on QMS technology.

Each AVS meeting is a highlight of our year and we are proud to be a member, it acts as an advantageous opportunity for ourselves and employees to see the newest trends in plasma, vacuum, thin film and surface science research, network with fellow academics and to also promote our brand and products. We are thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity celebrate the groups 65th annual hosting of the event and we hope our relationship continues to prosper.

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