
Hiden Analytical announce a new agreement with The University of California, Berkley Laboratory, to produce their novel dual-layer differential electrochemical flow cell for operation with the Hiden HPR-40 DSA membrane inlet mass spectrometer. The combined differential electrochemical mass spectrometry technique (DEMS) is developed for real-time characterisation of electro-catalytic performance with special relevance to fuel cell chemistry, giving fast identification of gaseous and volatile product and intermediates generated during the electrochemical faradaic reactions directly at the electrode/electrolyte interface.

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The introduction of the Hiden DEMS benchtop system now provides the researcher with a versatile tool for detailed characterisation of electrochemical process performance through multiple electrode/electrolyte combinations, providing real-time multi-species analysis together with excellent sensitivity, monitoring evolved and adsorbed species through the range from hydrogen through to 300 amu.

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