
Hiden are exhibiting at 251st American Chemical Society
National Meeting & Exposition, 13-17 March, to be held in San Diego, CA, USA. Visit Peter & Gerard on the Hiden Analytical Booth No. 1312.

ACS organizes two national meetings & expositions each year, and each one attracts an estimated 11,000 to 13,000 chemists, chemical engineers, academicians, graduate and undergraduate students, and other related professionals. During the meeting, scientists present new multidisciplinary research, hear the latest information in their areas of professional interest, and network with colleagues. Programming is planned by our 33 technical divisions that cover all scientific fields, secretariats that focus on multidisciplinary programming, and ACS committees. Each meeting will feature more than 7,000 presentations organized into technical symposia that highlight important research advances.

What’s being showcased on the Hiden Booth this year?

Hiden Gas Analysers at 251st ACS

Research and development facilities around the world have chosen Hiden’s QGA and HPR-20 atmospheric pressure gas analysis systems to facilitate high sensitivity, fast response studies of process gases, reaction products and breakthrough gases In catalyst characterization, materials screening, fuel cell development and biogas studies – to name just a few of the many applications our systems have addressed over the last 3 decades. On display at the forthcoming spring meeting of the ACS will be our QGA quantitative gas analysis system, for direct real time analysis, quantification and control of gas related processes ranging in pressure from 100 mbar to 50 bar. Please drop by our Booth No. 1312 in San Diego, CA, March 13-17, and we will be pleased to learn more about your requirements and have the opportunity to guide you in the choice of gas analysis system.

The bench-top mass spectrometer systems are coupled to the user process by the integral robust, flexible, quartz-lined heated capillary with sample consumption rates as low as 1 mL/min and response times as low as 150 milliseconds. Process interface options enable analyses through the very broad pressure regime and are suited to diverse application areas including top-gas analysis, measurement of dissolved species, multi-stream monitoring of gas feed and process exhaust lines (up to 80 individual gas streams), process/thermal reaction studies, respiratory analysis.

System operation, calibration, data acquisition and display are fully automated, with full manual control selectable when required. Integral I/O’s permit import of external data, such as temperature, for integration with the mass spectral display, and output of process detail for process control functions.


Hiden QGA Atmospheric Gas Analyser


Hiden Booth at Spring ACS, March 2014

Come and visit the Hiden Booth No. 1312 and speak to Peter and Gerard about our range of products. 

Visit conference website : 251st ACS

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