
Hiden Analytical’s QGA systems are suited for direct real-time analysis, quantification and control of gas related processes ranging in pressure from 100 mbar to 30 bar.

The bench-top mass spectrometer systems are coupled to the user process by the integral robust, flexible, quartz-lined heated capillary with sample consumption rates as low as 1 mL/min and response times as low as 150 milliseconds. Process interface options enable analyses through the very broad pressure regime and are suited to diverse application areas including top-gas analysis, measurement of dissolved species, multi-stream monitoring of gas feed and process exhaust lines (up to 80 individual gas streams), process/thermal reaction studies, respiratory analysis.

System operation, calibration, data acquisition and display are fully automated, with full manual control selectable when required. Integral I/O’s permit import of external data, such as temperature, for integration with the mass spectral display, and output of process detail for process control functions.

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QGA – Atmospheric Gas Analyser

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