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Hiden Analytical release a new catalogue detailing their latest mass spectrometers and micro-reactors for analysis of gaseous thermal processes. The series includes systems for application to process pressures from 5 bar through to ultrahigh vacuum(UHV).


New Catalysis & Thermal Analysis Catalogue

The CATLAB 1000oC micro-reactors with integrated mass spectrometer enable detailed quantification of catalytic and thermal process activity with full control of temperature and temperature ramp, feed gas species selection and flow rate. Additional process data such as sample mass may also be integrated. The TPD Workstation for UHV thermal desorption measurement features a sample heating platform and fast-response high-sensitivity quadrupole mass spectrometer to maximise data accumulation rate, together with a load lock with multiple-sample transfer mechanism to maintain optimum vacuum integrity. The HPR-60 MBMS system with multiple-stage pressure reduction enables measurement of reactive ions and radicals directly from plasma and flame processes at pressures up to 5 bar.

An extensive range of process interfaces enables direct coupling of the Hiden mass spectrometers with user processes including thermal and thermal-gravimetric systems and vacuum furnaces. The unique SPACI-MS interface is developed specifically for in situ analysis within a catalytic monolith for precise performance evaluation.

The catalogue is available to download here or you can request your free print copy via our website by clicking here. For further information on all Hiden Analytical products contact Hiden Analytical at or visit the main website by clicking here.

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